Complete the situations.Use the verbs in brackets in the right verd forms.


1)The boys(play) football now.They (be) tired. They (play) football for an hour and a half.

2)Tom (begin) talking on phone an hour ago. I think he should finish. He(talk) on the phone forman hour already.

3)Roy came to see  the dentist at nine o`clock.It (be) 9:30 now.

Roy(wait) for the doctor since 9:00 a.m

4)Colin (become) a professor in 1998.He (work) at the University since he (become) a professor.

5)The Greens (move) to Canada last summer.They (live) in Canada now. They (live) in Canada for about a year.


Ответ дал: galina572319

1. The boys are playing football now. They are tired. They have been playing football an hour and a half.

2) Tom began talking on the phone an hour ago. I think he should finish. He has been talking on the phone for more than an hour already.

3) Roy came to see  the dentist at nine o`clock. It is 9:30 now.

Roy has been waiting for the doctor since 9:00 a.m.

4) Colin became a professor in 1998. He has been working at the University since he became a professor.

5) The Greens went to Canada last summer. They are living in Canada now. They have been living in Canada for about a year.

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