I. Запиши предложения, поставив глаголы в Past Simple.
What …. (Jane/study) yesterday evening?

I … (not/enjoy) the film at all.

Boys … (play) football at school yesterday.

We … (go) to the adventure park two days ago.

My friend and me … (be) at the art gallery.

… (you/see) a play at the theatre?

She … (not/watch) TV last night.

My parents … (bring) a present to me from Greece.

II. Расставь слова в предложениях в правильном порядке и запиши.
Kate/ visit /did /the Natural History Museum/ morning / yesterday?

party /enjoyed /last/Tom/ the/week.

last /travel /my parents /did/ where/ summer?

a/watched /Linda ant Sam/ play/theatre/at the.

didn`t/ to the/ we/ go /Sunday /zoo /on.

granny/ my /a/ bought me/ teddy bear/ shop/toy/at the.

III. Подчеркни верный вариант. Present simple/Present continuous/Past simple.
1. I … an email to my friend yesterday.
A. send B. sent C. am sending

2. My parents … to the cinema every Sunday.
A. went B. go C. goes

3. She …. a film at the moment.
A. watches B. is watching C. watched

4. Where … you buy a CD yesterday?
A. do B. is C. did
5. Simon usually … like to eat fast food.
A. doesn`t B. didn`t C. isn`t

6. Look at them! They … in the garden
A. plays B. played C. are playing

7. Students didn’t … to the fun fair last year.
A. go B. went C. goes

8. John … looking at the paintings now.
A. does B. is C. are

IV. Запиши отрицательный вариант этих предложений.

Nick visited London last winter.

We had much homework yesterday.

Pupils wrote a report in Literature on Monday.

Kate and Mike decorated the classroom three hours ago.

I cooked porridge for breakfast.

V. Задай вопрос к предложениям, используй слова в скобках.

I got up at 8 o’clock. (When…?)

Peter bought new jeans last week. (What…?)

Mother fed the dog in the morning. (Whom…?)

We traveled to Liverpool on Sunday. (Who…?)

The boy went to the adventure park on Saturday. (Where …?)


Ответ дал: rsofpg2007


Exercice 1

What did Jane study yesterday evening?

I didn't enjoy the film at all.

Boys played football at school yesterday.

We went to the adventure park two days ago.

My friend and me were at the art gallery.

Did you see a play at the theatre?

She didn't watch TV last night.

My parents brought a present to me from Greece.

Exercise 2

Did Kate visit the Natural History Museum yesterday morning?

Tom enjoyed the last week party.

Where did my parents travel last summer?

Linda a Sam watched a play at the theatre.

We didn't go at the zoo on Sunday.

My granny bought me a teddy bear at toy shop.

Exercise 3

1. I … an email to my friend yesterday.

A. send B. sent C. am sending

2. My parents … to the cinema every Sunday.

A. went B. go C. goes

3. She …. a film at the moment.

A. watches B. is watching C. watched

4. Where … you buy a CD yesterday?

A. do B. is C. did

5. Simon usually … like to eat fast food.

A. doesn`t B. didn`t C. isn`t

6. Look at them! They … in the garden

A. plays B. played C. are playing

7. Students didn’t … to the fun fair last year.

A. go B. went C. goes

8. John … looking at the paintings now.

A. does B. is C. are

Exercise 4

Nick didn't visit London last winter.

We hadn't much homework yesterday.

Pupils didn't write a report in Literature on Monday.

Kate and Mike didn't decorate the classroom three hours ago.

I didn't cook porridge for breakfast.

Exercise 5

When did you get up?

What did Peter bring last week?

Whom mother fed this morning?

Who travelled to Liverpool last Sunday?

Where did boys went las Sunday?

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