Упражнение 2. Используйте the for-to-infinitive construction после enough or too.
Model: We couldn’t find the pin in the hay-stack. (small) → The pin was too small for us to find in the hay-stack.
The place is quiet. We can have a rest here. →The place is quiet enough for us to have a rest.
1. Irma couldn’t reach the top shelf. (high)
2. We can’t understand the text. (difficult)
3. The boys couldn’t lift the piano. (heavy)
4. Everyone could hear the music. (loud enough)
5. The sea was cold. They couldn’t swim.
6. The table is big. All of us can sit around it.
7. The street is very narrow. He won’t be able to turn the car.
8. The problem was comparatively easy. I solved it in half an hour.
9. The light was good. She could read the inscription.
10. The conversation was interesting. The children didn’t want to go to bed.​


Ответ дал: konov137oxk7g7

1) The tpo shelf was too high for Irma to reach it

2) The text was too difficult for us to understand it

3) The piano was too heavy for boys to lift it

4) The music was loud enough for everyone to hear it

5) The sea was too cold for them to swim

6) The table was big enough for all of us to sit around it.

7) The street is very narrow for him to be able to turn the car

8) The problem was comparatively easy for me to solved it in half an hour

9) The light was good for her to read the inscription

10) The conversation was too interesting for the children to go to bed

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