1. Выбери и подчеркни верную форму глагола.

1) Tom (has been learning/has learned) English for 6 years.

2) The birds (have flown/have been flying) to the South. No birds in my village.

3) I (have chatted /have been chatting) with him for many hours.

4) Pupils (have forgotten/have been forgetting) to learn the poem. They got bad marks.

5) My children (have been watching/have watched) cartoons since 11 a.m.

6) The train (has just come/has been coming). There are so many people on the station.

7) We (haven’t been visiting/ haven’t visited) our grandparents for 2 years.

8) He (has been studying/has studied) at school for eleven years.

9) Sarah (has been dancing/has danced) on the stage since 10 years.

10) My parents (have collected/ have been collecting) coins for 8 years.

11) Students (have made/have been making) their project just in time.
2. Напиши глагол в скобках в Present Perfect или Present Perfect Progressive.

1. We (meet) for ages. _______________________________________

2. They (do) lessons. They may be free. ____________________________

3. Friends (not visit) him for a long time. _____________________________

4. You (drive) since you was 15. ______________________________

5. Nick (fail) his exams, so he will try next time. ________________________

6. I (worry) about it for 3 hours. __________________________

7. They (discuss) their problems for months. ___________________________

8. Mark (not take) his test yet. ______________________________

9. I (watch) an interesting cartoon since I got up. ___________________________

10. She has a stomachacke. She (eat) junk food. __________________________

11. I (never hear) that song before. _______________________________

поможешь?! :(
Даю все свои баллы солныфко :)


Ответ дал: properdyn



1) has been learning

2) have flown

3) have been cheating

4) have forgotten

5) have been watching

6) has just come

7) havent been visiting

8) has studied

9) has been dancing

10)have been collecting

11)have made

дальше не знаю(((

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