2. Fill in much or many before the nouns.
1.Are there ________ cars in the street?
2.How ________ days are there in a week?
3.We haven't ________ butter in the house.
4.They didn't spend________ money.
5.I haven't got ________time.
6.Have you got ________ friends?
7.Don't put ________ sugar in my tea.
8.We saw ________interesting things in the museum.
3. Write about the city you want to visit. Use the plan below.
1) I want to visit …
2) I can … there.
3) There is/are … there.
4) I can see … there.
5) I like very much.


Ответ дал: juehtw856


1.  much


3 many

4 many

5 many

6 much

7 many



слово much употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными, many — перед исчисляемыми. Следуя из этого правила делаем упражнение.

В следующем задании тебе нужно написать о городе, который вы хотите посетить. Используя план ниже.

Ответ дал: Jea2ne


1 many

2 many

3 much

4 much

5 much

6 many

7 much

8 many

I want to vist London. I never been there. There is BigBan and many interesting buldings. I can see many interesting thinks there. I like very much.


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