помогите плиз!!! Fill in the gaps using Present Perfect
1. We just_____(To move) to Moscow
2. The couple who just ______(to get) married look quite happy
3. Janis _____(to get) divorce and wants to join the rescue team
4.The rangers from the group ______ (to lose) their job and have to look for another one.
5. My grandparents ______ (not to buy) their own house yet
6.Their cottage _______(to collapse) because of the flood
7. there_____(to be) never such a terrible storm there for two years already
8. Volunteers from all parts of the country ______(to graduate) from the same university
9. they _______(not to start) their own business since the last crisis
10. His family _______(to move ) abroad since last week
помогите пожалуйста!


Ответ дал: galina572319


1. We have just moved to Moscow.

2.  The couple who has just got married looks quite happy.

3. Janis has got divorced and wants to join the rescue team.

4. The rangers from the group have lost their job and have to look for another one.

5. My grandparents haven't bought their own house yet.

6. Their cottage has collapsed because of the flood.

7. There has never been such a terrible storm there for two years already.

8. Volunteers from all parts of the country have graduated from the same university.

9. They haven't started their own business since the last crisis.

10. His family has moved abroad since last week.

1. Мы только что переехали в Москву.

2. Пара, которая только что поженилась, выглядит вполне счастливой.

3. Янис развёлся и хочет присоединиться к спасательной команде.

4. Рейнджеры из группы потеряли работу и вынуждены искать другую.

5. Мои бабушка и дедушка еще не купили собственный дом.

6. Их коттедж обрушился из-за наводнения.

7. Такого страшного шторма там не было уже два года.

8. Добровольцы со всех концов страны окончили один и тот же университет.

9. Они не открывали свой собственный бизнес со времен последнего кризиса.

10. Его семья переехала за границу с прошлой недели.

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