1`.Fill in the correct word. ( заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами)
*beach* become* sunburn* shemist's *hiking* museum* dangerous* temperature* fun*

1. Will you come ... with me in the mountanis? 2. Do you want to ... a doctor? 3. Laura is going to the … to buy aspirin. 4. White-water rafting can be … . 5. If you’re pink and sore, you’ve got … . 6. Do you want to go to the … for a swim.
7. Mary’s got a … . She’s very hot. 8. You can relax and have … on holiday.


Ответ дал: mpodoliak



1. hiking

2. become


4. dangerous

5. sunburn

6. beach

7. temperature

8. fun

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