• Предмет: Биология
  • Автор: taya130800
  • Вопрос задан 6 лет назад

I. Choose the correct variant.
1. He will translate the text if he
a dictionary at hand.
a) will have b) has c) would have d) have
2. My friend is interested
a) in
b) on c) about
d) for
3. When I entered the room, she
_ on the sofa.
a) lay
b) is lying c) was lieing d) was lying
4. John
take a taxi because he was late.
a) could b) was to c) was able to d) had to
5. Do you mind
a) my smoking b) me smoke c) I smokе
d) to smoke
6. What made you
such a stupid thing?
a) to do b) do c) did d) have done
7. If I were you, I
a house in the country
a) bought b) would buy c) will buy
d) would bought
8. Mary hasn't any spare time and
a) neither have I b) either have I c) so I d) I haven't too.
9. We had better
if we want to get there before dark.
a) to hurry up
b) hurry up
c) hurried up d) hurrying up
10. This film
a) is much spoken about b) is speaking much about c) speaks much about​

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