Change the following sentences into the Future Continuous:
1. He is talking to a friend of his. 2. Where are you hurrying to? —
I am hurrying to the railway station. 3. My wife is preparing for departure.
4. Mary will bathe in the Black Sea next week. 5. Richard will type business letters tomorrow. 6 My daughter is washing her dress. 7. They were having dinner at three.


Ответ дал: kotyonok777

Ответ: 1. He’ll be talking to a friend of his

2. Where ll be u hurrying to?

I ll be hurrying to the railway station

3. My wife ll be preparing for departure

4. Marry ll be bathing in the Black Sea next week

5. Richard ll be typing business letter tomorrow

6 My daughter ll be washing her dress

7. They ll be having dinner at three



Объяснение: Время Future Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола will (shall) и be c причастием настоящего времени (to be + глагол с окончанием -ing).

ВАЖНО: Вспомогательный глагол will используется со всеми подлежащими (I / He / She / It / You / We / They).

Ответ дал: Մարիամ1803Ս

1. He will be talking to a friend of his.

2. Where will you be hurrying to? —  I will be hurrying to the railway station.

3. My wife will be preparing for departure.

4. Mary will be bathing in the Black Sea next week.

5. Richard will be typing business letters tomorrow.

6 My daughter will be washing her dress.

7. They will be having dinner at three.

Future Continuous образуется так:

В положительных предложениях:

Сущ+will be+глагол с окончанием ing

He will be sunbathing in Hawaii this time next week.

В отрицательных предложениях:

Сущ+will not be +глагол с окончанием ing

He will not  be sunbathing in Hawaii this time next week.

В вопросах:

Will+сущ+be+ глагол с окончанием ing

Will you be sunbathing in Hawaii this time next week?

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