Choose the correct item.
1 He said that he ... already ... that many times before.
A has mentioned B had mentioned
C was mentioned

2 Joe told Fill they … to Brazil a week before.
A was gone B went C had gone

3 The teacher pointed out that all the girls in our class … Chinese then.
A are studying B were studying C were
4 He ... to come on time.
A promised B suggested C complained

5 The manager wondered ... the chair in his office while he was away.
A had who broken B who had broken
C if who had broke 6 “Would you like to borrow my book?” he … .
A said B told C complained

7 … will you arrive at the meeting?
A Since B Until C When

8 I’ll finish the course … I have got enough time.
A before B when C till

9 By the time Mike came back home she … all the house work.
A did B has done C had done
10 The professor insisted asking … the material well.
A do you know B if I knew
C you knew


Ответ дал: thebestamigo


  1. B
  2. C
  3. B
  4. A
  5. B
  6. A
  7. C
  8. B
  9. C
  10. B


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