I. Заполните пропуски словами: am, is, are, was, were, have, has, had, do, does, did, will 1. She … not have a holiday last week. 2. They … painting now. 3. You … got a “five” today. 4. I … play badminton next week. 5. I … not playing now. 6. … Dick travelling at this moment? 7. What … they often watch on TV? 8. … your friend usually work on Saturdays? 9. We … watching an interesting film at 8 pm. 10. I … finished my work by last Sunday. 11. The man … speaking at the meeting at 12 o’clock yesterday. 12. Dad … not come back yet.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1. She DID not have a holiday last week.

2. They ARE painting now.

3. You HAVE got a “five” today.

4. I WILL play badminton next week.

5. I AM not playing now.

6. IS Dick travelling at this moment?

7. What DO they often watch on TV?

8. DOES your friend usually work on Saturdays?

9. We WERE watching an interesting film at 8 pm.

10. I HAD finished my work by last Sunday.

11. The man WAS speaking at the meeting at 12 o’clock yesterday.

12. Dad HAS not come back yet.

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