Народ помогите с заданием пожалуйста
Ex.2. Group the words according to the parts of speech:
Active, drugs, separate, tissue, juice, fresh, use, medicine, offer, accurate, other, purify, many, from, often, easy, be, of, sugar, twelve, are, while, green, the, acid, which, is, mass, for, a, agent.


Ответ дал: EvgeniyaAndreevna


существительные: drugs, tissue, juice, medicine,  from, sugar, acid, mass, agent.  

прилагательные: аctive, separate, fresh, accurate, green, other  

числительные: twelve  

наречия: easy, often, many  

глаголы: purify, be, use, offer, are, is  

артикли: a, the  

местоимения: which, while  

предлоги: of, for


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