3. Write comparative and superlative forms of these
adjectives and make sentences using these adjectives.
1. Cheap
2. Strong
3. Important
4. Modern
5. Long
6. Bad
7. Good
8. Dangerous
9. Enjoyable
10. Old​


Ответ дал: egorkosko3112

1. cheap - cheaper - the cheapest

This shirt is cheaper than the red one.

This shirt is the cheapest in the shop.

2. strong stronger - the strongest

My brother is stronger than that boy.

My brother is the strongest boy in the world.

3. important more important - the most important

I think being healthy is more important thaneating everything that is sold in the shop.

The most important thing in my life is my family.

4. modern - more modern - the most modern

This sofa look more modern than that brown one.

Now you can see the most modern house in this area.

5. Long longer - the longest

Kate's hair is longer than mine.

The longest way to go there is to turn left near the cinema.

6. Bad worse the worst

Her work is worse than Jack's.I

feel like this song is the worst in the world.

7. Good better the best

This dress looks better than the blue one.

My mum is the best woman in the world.

8. Dangerous - more dangerous - the most dangerous

more dangerous to climb that mountain than to stay on the path.

The most dangerous thing to do is to swim near those crocodiles.

9. Enjoyable - more enjoyable - the most enjoyable

Reading books is more enjoyable for me than hanging out with my friends.

The most enjoyable part of the day is when you come home after work knowing that you are finally able to rest.

10. Old - older the oldest

My brother is older than

Ben.This painting is the oldest of all here.

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