Раскройте скобки
1. I … (see) him in the hall an hour ago.
2. Two weeks ago we (visit) … the capital of Wales, Cardiff.
3. Nick has a …. (good) room than me.
4. Nick is ………. (young) in his family.
5. He …(finish)just …. his work. Now we can go for a walk.
6. You (ever work) ______ in a shop?
7. I (work) ______ at my uncle’s shop when I was younger.
8. A bus is (fast) than a tram .
9. He was the (fat) man in the village.
10. My sister is the (tall) girl in her class.
11. He (not answer) my letter yet.
12. You ever (eat) caviar?
13. She already (become) a student.
14. They (travel) all over the world.
15. How long you (be) here?


Ответ дал: nyara11


1 saw

2 visited

3 better

4 the youngest

5 had just finished

6 Had you ever worked

7 worked

8 faster

9 fattest


11 hadn't answered

12 Have you ever eaten

13 become

14 had travelled

15 have you been

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