3. Fill in the correct reflexive pronoun.

1. Tom cut __________ while he was cooking.

2. Nick and Kate had a great time. They really enjoyed ___________.

3. Watch out! This frying pan is very hot! Don’t hurt ___________.

4. I think I should pay more attention to _______________.

5. Who translated the text for you? – Nobody. I translated it ____________.

6. Who told you that Sarah was getting married? – Linda told me ____________.

7. Can you do the washing-up for me? – Why can’t you do it ______________.

8. Did Tom’s father buy him an I-phone? – No, Tom did it _____________.


Ответ дал: annakozlova28


1) himself

2) themselves

3) yourself

4) myself

5) myself

6) herself

7) yourself

8) himself

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