1. What ___________ (your son / to do) yesterday at 8 pm, Mrs Walker?
2. It ___________ (to rain) and the sun __________ _
(not / to shine).
3. What __________ (you / to read) before you _________ _
(to fall) asleep?
4. While she (to complain) about the noise, he ____ _
____ (to switch) on the television.
5. Finally, he (to finish) writing and called it The Cat Waltz.
6. Wh_____
en I (to watch) television, my brother ____ _(to break) my computer.​


Ответ дал: pikachutp2

1. was your son doing

2. was raining; wasn’t shining

3. do you read; fall asleep

4. was complaining; switched on

5. finished

6. when i was watching; broke

indatelek: 2. is raining, isn't shining
3. did you read, fell asleep
pikachutp2: возможны оба варианта
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