3. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous Passive or the Past Continuous Passive. 1. A cup of tea (to drink) by her now. 2. The car (to wash) at the moment. 3. The cows (to feed) at that time yesterday. 4. A picture (to take) of him now? 5. A poem (not to write) now. 6. Football (not to play) the whole evening yesterday. 7. A tie (to wear) by him now? 8. The party (to prepare) by her from 10 till 12 yesterday? 9. The flowers (not to water) at tne moment. 10. The book (to read) the whole morning yesterday? 11. The walls (not to paint) now. 12. This house (to sell) now? 13. This salad (to cook) from 6 till 8 yesterday? 14. The film (not to watch) now. 15. A solution to the problem (to find) the whole month last year.


Ответ дал: golubtania


1. is being drunk

2. is being washed

3. were being fed

4. is beeing taken

5. isn't being written

6. wasn't being  played

7. is being worn

8. was being prepeared

9. aren't being watered

10. wasn't being read

11. aren't being painted

12. is being sold

13.  was being cooked

14. isn't being watched

15. was being found


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