Choose the correct answers.
1.My dad_______start work at eight o clock.
a)has to b)have to c)should
2.I___________remember to finish my homework.
a)doesn t have to b)must c)shouldn t
3.I__________get up at six o clock on Mondays.I hate Mondays!
a)mustn t b)have to c)has to
4.You_______be late.It s rude.
a)don t have to b)must c)shouldn t
5.We__________leave now.We can leave later.
a)mustn t b)should c)don t heve to
6.You________copy my homework!It isn t fair!
a)mustn t b)don t have to c)should
7.Marc________do the washing-up.He s already done it three times this week.
a)doesn t have to b)musn t c)has to


Ответ дал: shinygirll
1. a)
2. c)
3. b)
4. c)
5. a)
6. b)
7. c)
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