1 at / Children / the / the / dog / sometimes / weekend/ wash
2 Ben / plays / never / games / in / morning / the / computer
3 says / teacher / to / the / The / always / goodbye / children
4 have / We / usually / tea / cup / at / a / of / five / o’clock
5 at / I / jogging / the / park / go / often / in / half / six / past


Ответ дал: ceekaye
1. Children wash the dog at the weekend sometimes.
2. Ben never plays computer games in the morning.
3. The teacher always says goodbye to the children.
4. We usually have a cup of tea at five o’clock.
5. I often go jogging in the park at half past six.

anzurat08: спасибо
Ответ дал: usulamita74

Children wash the dog at the weekend sometimes. Ben never plays computer games in the morning. The teacher always says goodbye to the children. We usually have a cup of tea at five o'clock. I often jogging in the park at half past six

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