Поставьте глаголы в скобках в соответствующую форму одного из времён: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple.

1. Kate and Ann (to be) at the theatre yesterday.

2. There (to be) an interesting performance in half an hour.

3. We often (to go ) to the cinema.

4. My mother (to have ) long hair when she was young.

5. Our train (to come) in five minutes.

6. I (to meet) my friends next week.

7. They (to have) much time every afternoon.

8. I always (to have) good time at the theatre.

9. Tom (to visit) his relatives last week.

10. After college he (to be) an engineer.

11. He (to like) playing computer games.

12. Nick (to be) a college student.

13. My younger brothers (to be) born ten years ago.

14. Next Sunday my parents (to go) to the art gallery.

15. We (to play) football the day before yesterday.

16. My best friends (to be) an Englishman.

17. The meeting (to take place) every Monday.

18. The train (to arrive) at nine a.m. next morning.

19. Mother (to give) me this album when I was five.

20. The Earth (to go) round the Sun.

21. He ( to read) this book in two days.

22. They (to be ) at home every evening.

23. They (to be) at home last weekend.

24. Nina often (to send) letters to her foreign friends .


Ответ дал: banda25






5- will come

6-will meet

7- have

8- have

9- visited


11- is like

12- is

13 - was

14- will go

15- were played


17- take place

18- will arrive

19- gives

20 go

21 is reading

22 are

23- was

24 send

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