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Ответ дал: veronrunner



1. A: Have you ever rided a camel? B: No, but i have flown on a plane. 2. A: Sarah has .never been snorkelling. B: No, she hasn"t but she been bungee jumping once. 3. A: How was your holiday? Have you done anything special so far? B: We have swum with dolphins and we have climbed up a volcano so far. 4. A: How"s Yuri? B: I dont"t know. I haven't seen him lately. 5. A: Have they reached London? B: Yes, they have just arrived . 6. A: Has he been on a plane before? B: No, this is the first time he will travell by plane. 7. A: Have you heard from Jenny? B: Yes, she"s in Russia. She has been there a week now.

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