Choose the correct variant. Выберите правильный вариант ответа. (Цифра – буква)
1) Tom ( wash) his face every day.
a) wash b) washes c) is washing
2) You must be cautious of strangers.
a) Тебе следует остерегаться незнакомцев.
b) Ты можешь остерегаться незнакомцев.
с) Ты должен остерегаться незнакомцев.
3) Ann and Mike already (do) their homework.
a) has done b) have done c) did
4) My mother (go ) to Moscow last year.
a) goes b) is going c) went
5) We (write) the exercise now.
a) writes b) is writing c) are writing
6) I (read) this book at 5 o’clock yesterday.
a) was reading b) are reading c) read
7) Mike and I (play) tennis tomorrow.
a) plays b) will play c) played
8) ….you visit this museum 3 days ago?
a) Did b) Do c) Have
9) Marry always (help) her mother about the house.
a) has helped b) helps c) helped
10) … Steve and Tom (rake) the leaves in the garden…?
a) Have rake….yet b) Has raked …today c) Have raked …yet
ПОМОГИТЕ пожалуйста сделать.


Ответ дал: aesthette


1. b

2. c

3. b

4. c

5. c

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. b

10. c


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