Напишите предложения, расставляя слова в нужном порядке.
a) museums, they, are, visit, going to. ____________________________________________________
b) the, what, capital, is, England, of ? ____________________________________________________
c) has, to, he, travelled, Russia. _________________________________________________________
d) you, have, a new, read, book ? ________________________________________________________
e) didn’t, Kate, see, this, film. __________________________________________________________
f) go, to, do, you, sport club ? __


Ответ дал: Մարիամ1803Ս

a)museums, they, are, visit, going to

They are going to visit museums.

b)the, what, capital, is, England, of?

What is the capital of England?

c)has, to, he, travelled, Russia.

He has travelled to Russia.

d)you, have, a new, read, book ?

Have you read a new book?

e)didn’t, Kate, see, this, film.

Kate didn’t see this film.

f)go, to, do, you, sport club ?

Do you go to sport club?

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