Exercise 1

Open the brackets, use Past simple Tense.

1) He (to see) them last year, but it (to be) long ago.

2) My dad (to buy) his car in 2000.

Exercise 2

Open the brackets, use Present Perfect Tense.

1 ) Look! He ( wash) the car and we can start right now.

2) The boat just ( bring) the passengers to the opposite side of the river.

3) I already ( read) this book.

Open brackets , use Past Simple or Present Perfect Tense.
1I ( open) the door and Tom (to come) in wet and tired.

2) The car (go) wrong when we were travelling yesterday

3) The boy just ( break) the window in the library.

4) He (go) to the swimming pool yet?


Ответ дал: marinamonga15
Exercise 1 1)saw,was 2)bought
Exercise 2 1)has washed 2)has brought 3)have read
Exercise 3 1)have opened,came 2)went 3)has broken 4)has gone
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