Choose the right variant ( Выбери правильный вариант ):
1 He can`t talk to you now. He ________ his homework.
a) is doing b) does c) did
2 Yesterday they _________ a good film.
a) see b) are seeing c) saw
3 I …with my friend at the moment.
a) is talking b) am talking c) talk
4 We …just 3 lessons of Maths!
a) had had b)have had c)has had
5 Last week we … a composition.
a) wrote b) writed c) write
6 This is Mark`s car. It`s ___________car.
a) his b) he c) him
7 Her name is Anne. ___________is very tall.
a) hers b) she c) her
8 I am ________home.
a) at b)to c) in
9 She… bread at the nearest shop almost every day.
a) is buying b) buys c) bought
10 I … news every morning and evening.
a) have watched b) watch c) watches
11 She ___________ TV now.
a) is watching b) watched c) watches
12 There are _____________ plates on the table.
a) some b) any c) nothing /12 points


Ответ дал: aesthette


1. a

2. c

3. b

4. b

5. a

6. a

7. b

8. a

9. b

10. b

11. a

12. a


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