Помогите пжжжжж!СРОчнооооооооооооо.очень прошууууу!!!!!!!!!!
I Order the words to write sentences ( 3 scores)
1 The United/ parts/Kingdom/four/consists/of.
2 Kyiv/ I/ never/ have/ to / been.
3 Plazza /I/ staying /at / am / the /hotel.
4 north /I /do /go /to /the /every /not /week.
5 Dnipro / longest /The/ is /the /Ukraine/ river /in.
6 His /in /spend /sometimes/ Oxford / holidays /invite /him /to /his /with /friends /them.
II Choose the correct variant (3 scores)
1 The news … by the reporters yesterday.
a) will be reported b) was reported c) has been reported
2 Nowadays computer games … by teenagers.
a) are played b) were played c) have been played
3 An interesting fairy tale … next month.
a) will be published b) are published c) has been published
4 The story …( to make) into a film last year.
a) is made b) was made c) will be made
5 The interview with a famous actor … recently.
a) was organized b) is organized c) has been organized
6 This agency … in 2005.
A) will be founded b) was founded c) have been founded
III Put the verbs in brackets into the Passive Voice. (3 scores)
1 New songs by Tina Karol … ( to record) this month.
2 This famous violin … ( to sell) recently.
3 A new school … ( to open) in our city next month.
4 The writers … ( to meet) at the airport tomorrow.
5 These books … ( to take) from the library every day.
6 New service … ( to advertise) in the latest issue of this newspaper.
VI Answer the questions (3 scores)
1 Where is Ukraine situated?
2 What countries does it border on?
3 What is it washed by?
4 Are there mountains in Ukraine? Where are they situated?
5 Are there rivers in Ukraine? What are they?
6 What is the longest river of Ukraine?


Ответ дал: Privetiki0minetiki

Ответ:1The UK consist of four parts

2 I never have been to Kyiv

3 I am staying in the hotel Plazza

4 I dont go to the north every week

5 Dnipro os the longest river in Ukraine


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