Our interest in the private lives of celebrities seems (A)____ . This has caused a (B)____ in the number of ‘paparazzi’, those photo journalists who follow (C)____ celebrities around to get pictures of them, which they then sell to popular magazines. Sometimes they are ready, to do anything to get a picture. For example, they will hire a helicopter in order to fly (D)____ close to the home of a celebrity. But the paparazzi say that celebrities are only too happy to have their homes and (E)____ weddings photographed for huge fees.
1. endless; 2. felt; 3. growth; 4. were putting; 5. dangerously; 6. romantic; 7. glamorous
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Ответ дал: barash777

A - 1

B - 3

C - 7

D - 5

E - 6

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