Look at the picture and describe it in 5-8 sentences. Remember to say: what the place looks like what the weather is like what the people in the picture are doing whether

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Ответ дал: Darinka030


The beach next to the sea, small houses, little people. The sun sets below the horizon. The weather is warm, maybe even hot. People swim in the canoes. There are many palm trees and various shrubs around. There is a high mountain nearby. I would love to go there.

Перевод: Пляж рядом с морем, небольшие домики, мало людей. Солнце заходит за горизонт. Погода тёплая возможно даже жаркая. Люди плавают на каноях. Вокруг много пальм и разных кустарников. Неподалёку находится высокая гора. Я бы очень хотела там побывать.

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