Постав речення в Future Simple
1. I (play) chess tomorrow.
2. She (play) draughts tomorrow
3. …You (come) to my place on Sunday ?
4. I (not see) him next day.
5 The weather (not be) fine next month.
6 …You (go) to the park tomorrow?
7 What …you (do) tomorrow
8. But I … (not/ be) poor.
9 We … (live) in a big house.
10 Where … you … (live)?
11 What … you… (have)?


Ответ дал: alina7841


1. I will play chess tomorrow.

2. She will play draughts tomorrow

3Will you come to my place on Sunday ?

4. I will not see him next day.

5 The weather wil not be fine next month.

Will you go to the park tomorrow?

7 What will you do tomorrow

8. But I will not be poor.

9 We Will live in a big house.

10 Where will you be live?

11 What will you be have?

kirilkin2409: Спасибі, я дуже здивувся, що там немає такого відмінника як shall
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