Заполните пропуски местоимениями “some” или “any”

There aren`t __________ parks in this town.
There are ___________ good shops in this street.
Dо you know ______________ famous people?
I have ____________ good friends in Paris.
Harry and Alice haven`t got __________ children.
"Have you got money for the ice cream?" - "Yes, I have ___________."
There was _________ meat in the fridge, but there wasn`t ________ fish.
There wasn`t ______ snow in the country last winter.
My hair is dirty. Have you got _________ shampoo?
There are ________ bottles of milk in the fridge


Ответ дал: nunny

Заполните пропуски местоимениями “some” или “any”

There aren`t __any__ parks in this town.

There are _some__ good shops in this street.

Dо you know __any__ famous people?

I have __some__ good friends in Paris.

Harry and Alice haven`t got __any__ children.

"Have you got money for the ice cream?" - "Yes, I have _some__."

There was __some__ meat in the fridge, but there wasn`t _any_ fish.

There wasn`t _any__ snow in the country last winter.

My hair is dirty. Have you got __some__ shampoo?

There are _some__ bottles of milk in the fridge

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