Хелпппп. Даю много баллов:)

Rewrite this sentences using unless.
1. We'll go to the mountains If it doesn't rain.
2. If you don't tell me why you did, i will have to punish you.
3. We'll be able to see the stars tonight If it's not cloudy.
4. If you don't give me my pocket money, i won't be able to go out tonight.
5. Pete will win the tennis match If he doesn't get an injury. ​


Ответ дал: Agnessa132

1. ...mountains unless it rains

2. I will have to punish you unless you tell me why you did.

3. ...tonight unless it’s cloudy.

4. I won’t be able to go out tonight unless you give me my pocket money.

5. ...match unless he gets an injury.

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