3 Complete the second sentence, using the word in bold, so that it means the same as the first sentence. Use up to four words. Do not change the word in bold.

1 That sandwich wasn’t big enough for me; I’m still hungry! (TOO)
That sandwich
for me; I’m still hungry!

2 My cat is more beautiful than any other cat in the world. (MOST)
My cat
cat in the world.

3 Tom’s still driving and he left the house two hours ago. (HAS)
for two hours now.

4 This is the first flood we’ve ever had here. (NEVER)
flood here before.

5 He started working for the police in 1995 and he retired 15 years later. (HAD)
the police for 15 years before he retired.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

1That sandwich wasn’t big enough for me; I’m still hungry! (TOO)

=That sandwich IS TOO BIG for me; I’m still hungry!

2 My cat is more beautiful than any other cat in the world. (MOST)


cat in the world.

3 Tom’s still driving and he left the house two hours ago. (HAS)

= Tom HAS BEEN DRIVING for two hours now.

4 This is the first flood we’ve ever had here. (NEVER)

= We HAVE NEVER HAD flood here before.

5 He started working for the police in 1995 and he retired 15 years later. (HAD)

= He HAD BEEN WORKING FOR the police for 15 years before he retired.

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