Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в простом прошедшем времени.
1.Put the verbs into the Past Simple form.
1 I _____ (write) a letter to my friend yesterday.
2 He _______ (not / dance) at the party last night.
3 My friends ______ (eat) three sandwiches at lunch.
4 Where _________ (he go) on holiday last year?
5 What _________ (she drink) at lunch?
6 __________ (they watch) a DVD film last Sunday?
7 They ________ (not / break) the window.


Ответ дал: denkiddo


1. wrote

2. did not dance

3. ate

4. did he go

5. did she drink

6. Did they watch

7. did not break

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