Решите пожалуйста дам 35 баллов

Задание 1. Слова, выражающие количество. Заполните пропуски, выбрав верный вариант
1. John looks tired. He needs ... sleep. -- A. many B. much C. a few
2. How ... did you pay for your car? -- A. many B. little C. much
3. Isn’t there too ... flowers in her room? -- A. few B. much C. many
4. Please, give me ... minutes. -- A. a few B. a little C. many
5. Jacob feels lonely as he has very ... friends. -- A. much B. little C. few
Задание 2. Общие правила постановки артикля. Заполните пропуски правильным артиклем a
или the где необходимо.
1. Bring ... milk from the kitchen.
2. This is ... best wine I have ever drunk.
3. Could you close ... door, please?
4. We celebrate New Year on ... 31st of December.
5. My father is ... engineer


Ответ дал: slavuta1333








1. Bring the milk from the kitchen.

2. This is the best wine I have ever drunk.

3. Could yo close the door, please.

4. We celebrate New Year on 31st of December.

5. My father is engineer.

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