5 Ask the question to the sentence.
I have got an umbrella.
We have got a big house.
You have got a teddy bear.
She has got a ballerina.
He has got a toy soldier.
6 Ask the questions and fill in Has/ Have
… they got a ruler?
… he got a pair of compasses?
… she got flowers?
…you got holiday?
… we got pet?


Ответ дал: shevtsovakamilla20

5.  1. Have I got an umbrella?

2. Have we got a big house?

3.Have you got a teddy bear?

4. Has she got a ballerina?

5. Has he got a toy soldier?

6. 1. Have they got a ruler?

2. Has he got a pair of compasses?

3.Has she got flowers?

4.Have you got holiday?

5.Have we got pet?

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