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Ответ дал: nunny

3. Read the text below. Match choices (A G) to (1-6). There is one choice you do not need to use.

Arthur Conan Doyle was born on 22 May 1859 in Edinburgh, Scotland. Arthur's mother 1) F had a passion for books and was a master storyteller. There was little money in the family. After Arthur reached his ninth birthday, 2) A the wealthy members of the Doyle family offered to pay for his studies. He was in tears 3) D all the way to England where for seven years he had to go to a boarding school. Arthur hated the cruelty and punishment at school.

During the school years, Arthur's only moments of happiness were 4) E when he wrote to his mother and also when he practised sports, 5) G mainly cricket at which he was very good. It was during these difficult years at boarding school 6) C that Arthur understood he also had a talent for storytelling.

A the wealthy members of the Doyle family

B his dreams came true

C that Arthur understood

D all the way to England

E when he wrote to his mother

F had a passion for books

G mainly cricket

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