Тест на знание лексики по теме и употребления её в
Список вопросов теста

Вопрос 5
Thankgiving is a big festival in the......  Korea
 India
 USA, Canada
Вопрос 6
Philippines celebrate the Banana Festival in .....  spring
 winter
 summer
Вопрос 7
Chuseok is the ................harvest moon festival.  Korean
 Russian
 American
8.Fill in the gabs with some or any. 1. They haven’t …………… bread.
2. My uncle reads ………. books.
3. Do you have ……….. milk?
4. She doesn’t have ……. meat.
5. She need …….coffee and ………milk.
9.Translate into Russian.
1. potatoes
2. knife
3. mineral water
4. a chicken
5. pepper
6. rice
7. exchange gifts
8. a cabbage
9. Enjoy your meal
10. garlic
11. bacon
12. yoghurt
13. an onion
14. a carrot
10.Put in a/an or no article.
1. ……egg
2. …….ham
3. ……..meat
4. ……..bread
5. ……..food
6. …….butter
7. ……onion
8. …….honey
9. ……..lemon


Ответ дал: danilfati


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