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Might, will, going to - Phrasal verbs.
1. Don’t wait for me. I __ late. It depends on the traffic.
A) will be
B) am
C) might be
D) am going to be

2. “What are you doing tonight?” “I don’t know. I ___ out, or I ___ at home.”
A) will go / am staying
B) might go / might stay
C) am going / am staying
D) go / stay

3. We have guests coming for Saturday lunch. I ___ cook roast beef and Yorkshire pudding. I have bought all the ingredients.
A) might
B) will
C) am going to cook
D) can

4. - I’m going to buy George a green shirt.
- I wouldn’t if I were you.
- Why not?
- I’m sure he ___ the green color.
A) might not like
B) will like
C) isn’t going to like
D) won’t like

5. “Goodbye, darling. I ___ phone as soon as I arrive.” “Thanks. Bye!”
A) can
B) will
C) am going to
D) might

6. Catherine wants to be a politician. Who knows? One
day she ___ Prime Minister!
A) is going to be
B) will be
C) might be
D) is​


Ответ дал: altriune


1. c

2. b

3. b

4. d

5. c

6. a


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