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Ответ дал: polina07savchenko



Russia showed a river cruise with Grand Central Travel, it was an exciting experience. My favorite place was Moscow. We started on Red Square, St. Basil’s Church with its colorful onion tops and stunning architecture. We also went to the Armory with a big surprise because of the quality museum exhibits. The Kremlin attached to it was indescribably beautiful and historical.

Another remarkable find was the Russian cemetery, many of which were unique tombstones, and I never knew that they existed.

There seems to have been new discoveries every day

Hundreds of myths are known about Moscow. One of them is that you can earn a lot of money and make a brilliant career, but it's simply impossible to live here. Too tense, noisy, hard. This is partly true. Moscow, like any metropolis, is a complex city. But it certainly can be different - romantic and attentive, bright, comfortable and completely carefree.

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