4. Read the text and put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Example: My friend (to like) ice-cream. -My friend likes ice- cream. Do you like travelling? As for me, I (to like') it very much. When I (to travel) with my friend we (not stay') in old-fashioned hotels because my friend (not like) them. My mother usually (to book) a room for us in advance, because it (to be) difficult to find one at the seaside in summer. So we always (to have') a twin room somewhere within easy reach of the beach. But the problem (to be) that my friend (to have) a dog and (not want) to leave it at home. That's why we (to choose") a hotel where dogs (to be) allowed. We (relax") all day on the beach but if the weather (to be") rainy we (to swim") in the indoor swimming pool and (not go) anywhere. Tra dialogue.



Ответ дал: EvgeniyaAndreevna


Do you like travelling? As for me, I like it very much. When I traveled with my friend we didn't stay in old-fashioned hotels because my friend didn't like them. My mother usually books a room for us in advance, because it is difficult to find one at the seaside in summer. So we always have a twin room somewhere within easy reach of the beach. But the problem was that my friend had a dog and didn't want to leave it at home. That's why we chose a hotel where dogs were allowed. We were relaxing all day on the beach but if the weather was rainy we swam in the indoor swimming pool and didn't go anywhere.


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