Выбери нужный предлог.

1.They translated the words ... Russian ... English.
a) of ... to b) from ... into c) from ... on
2. ... the second lesson they draw.
a) on b) at c) in
3. ... the break Helly helps her teacher.
a) for b) to c) during
4.She plays tennis ... Sundays.
a) in b) at c) on
5.Children like to run and jump ... the desks.
a) to b) on c) between
6.We like to answer ... our teachers questions.
a) in b)- c) of
7.Does the speak English well? - ... course!
a) in b) of c) for


Ответ дал: zlodeika225


1. c)

2. b)

3. c)

4. c)

5. b)

6. b)

7. b)

Я не уверенна, но вроде, это правильно. Проверь через Gоogle translator или Yandеx translator.

yMn1kon: Да хорошо что хотябы кто-то ответил:)
Ответ дал: Fixytup


1. b

2. c

3. c

4. c

5. c

6. b

7. b

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