4. Put in the missing words.
1. Sick people stay in bed if they’ve got _______________.
2. People usually get _________________ when they eat a lot of ice-cream.
3. If you have a ______________ and a ______________, you should miss school.
4. People need ________________ to stay healthy, energetic and strong.
5. The first Olympic Games _________________in Greece in 776 BC.
6. ____________________ are the emblem of the Olympic Games.
7. The Olympic ____________ is “The important thing is not winning, but taking part.”
8. The sports programme of the games ___________ fifteen most popular sports: soccer, volleyball, basketball, tennis, swimming and others.
1. included, 2. vitamins, 3.motto, 4.five linked rings, 5. sore throats, 6. a flu, 7. were held , 8. runny nose / cough


Ответ дал: gggpppggg4

Ответ:1)cellular telephone2) disease3)disease, necessarily4) healthy life outlook5)were carried out6)Greece7)games


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