Употребите правильную форму глагола в скобках:

1. She is an intelligent girl, but she not (read) a book since she (leave) school. 
2. I (buy) an electronic organizer today, and I just (type) my personal data into it. 
3. Her solo album already (sell) a million copies. She is happy. 
4. This doctor’s methods (show) good results recently. 
5. So much (happen) since I last (see) you. 
6. — You ever (be) in Norway? — Yes, I (go) there on business last year. 
7. — You (miss) a lecture recently? — I (miss) one a week ago. 
8. Success not (spoil) her. She simply (become) more sure of herself. 
9. I (have) a video for some years but I not (manage) to learn the instructions. 
10. We not (have fun) for a long time. We (have) our last party a month ago. 
11. — How long Lucy (have) problems with her back? — It first (start) last year. 
12. We (be engaged) since we (leave) high school. 
13. — You always (have) a dog? — I (have) it for the last six years. 
14. — Guess what I (decide) to do! — I can’t guess. What? — I (decide) to start my own business. — When you (decide) to do it? — I (think) about it just now. 
15. It not (rain) here for a very long time. 
16. Yesterday all your troubles (seem) so far away. Today the thieves (take) your car away!


Ответ дал: ПростоЛёка
1. She is an intelligent girl, but she hadn't been reading a book since she left school. 
2. I have bought an electronic organizer today, and I just am typing my personal data into it. 
3. Her solo album has already sold a million copies. She is happy. 
4. This doctor’s methods have shown good results recently. 
5. So much had happened since I last saw you. 
6. — Have you ever been in Norway? — Yes, I went there on business last year. 
7. — Have you missed a lecture recently? — I missed one a week ago. 
8. Success hasn't spoiled her. She simply becomes more sure of herself. (сомневаюсь)
9. I have had a video for some years but I don't manage to learn the instructions. 
10. We haven't had fun for a long time. We had our last party a month ago. 
11. — How long had Lucy have problems with her back? — It first started last year. 
12. We had been engaged since we left high school. 
13. — Are you always having a dog? — I have had it for the last six years. 
14. — Guess what I decide to do! — I can’t guess. What? — I decided to start my own business. — When did you decide to do it? — I think about it just now. 
15. It hasn't been raining here for a very long time. 
16. Yesterday all your troubles seemed so far away. Today the thieves has taken your car away!

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