Срочно ♥♥♥
1. The house was dirty. We _____ it for weeks
A) didn`t clean
B) hadn`t cleaned
C) weren`t cleaning
D) don`t clean

2. I asked Ann who else ___ to the party that night
A) was coming
B) will come
C) has come
D) have come

3. I couldn`t get into the house because I ____ my key
A) lose
B) have lost
C) had lost
D) was losing

4. I hope Lucy ___ to my birthday party
A) was coming
B) come
C) will come
D)will be coming

5. I saw Mr Jones while I ___ for the bus
A) had waited
B) am waiting
C) was waiting
D) have waited

6. As soons as the exams ___ over the students will leave for their homes
A) are
B) will be
C) were
D) would be


Ответ дал: Fhbvff
  1. B
  2. A
  3. C
  4. C
  5. C
  6. A

That's all :)

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