Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Perfect Continuous and translate.

1. He’s wet. He ………………………. (play) in the water.
2. He’s tired. He ………………………. (work) hard.
3. She’s cold. She ………………………. (walk) in the snow for three hours.
4. Everything is white. It ………………………. (snow) all night.
5. They’re hot. They ………………………. (jog) since 7 o’clock.
6. He’s confused. He ………………………. (try) to solve the problem all morning.


Ответ дал: mariialobanova04


1. He has been playing

2. He has been working

3. She has been walking

4. It has been snowing

5. They have been jogging

6. He has been trying

isaeffjabrail: спасибо чел
mariialobanova04: не за что :)
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