Задание 14. Fill in the gaps with the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Future Simple & be going to. Charles Maxwell works (work) in a bank in the centre of London. At the moment he ___________(look) for a new house. He __________(live) with his parents all of his life but now he ___________(want) to move because he __________ (decide) to get married. Up to now, he ___________(look) at ten houses, but he ____________(not/like)any of them. He __________ (see) another one later today. He thinks he __________(like) it because he ___________(already/see) a photograph of it & it ___________(be) beautiful.


Ответ дал: Iri1


Charles Maxwell works  in a bank in the centre of London. At the moment he is looking for a new house. He has livded with his parents all of his life but now he wants to move because he has decided to get married. Up to now, he has looked at ten houses, but he didn't like any of them. He is going to see another one later today. He thinks he will like it because he has already seen a photograph of it & it is beautiful.


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