составить вопосы
6). my, in, are, bag, the, in, books.-
7). write, Tom, doesn’t, letters, the. –
8). gets, the, postman, letter.-
9). swim, I, the, in, summer, river, in.-
10). the, park, in, I, my, ride, on, bike, Sundays.


Ответ дал: HellishHelen

6). my, in, are, bag, the, in, books.-

Are the books in my bag?

7). write, Tom, doesn’t, letters, the. –

Tom doesn't write the letters.

8). gets, the, postman, letter.-

Postman gets the letter.

9). swim, I, the, in, summer, river, in.-

I like to swim in the river in summer.

10). the, park, in, I, my, ride, on, bike, Sundays.

- I ride my bike in the park on Saturdays.

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