• Предмет: Литература
  • Автор: milanab412
  • Вопрос задан 10 месяцев назад

1 Complete the sentences with have to or don’t have to.
1 It’s not fair! John never __________ do any housework and I __________ do it all the time!
2 ‘Does this homework __________ be in by today?’ ‘No, it __________ be in by next week.
3 ‘Where __________ queue to collect tickets for the concert?’ ‘You __________ queue if you booked online!’
4 ‘Mum! __________ come shopping today?’ ‘No, you __________ come!’

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Ответ дал: kadyrkulfatima


1.have to,have to

2.have to,don't have to

3.have to,don't have to

4.have to don't have to

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