Complete the sentences with the right words:

selfish lazy stupid greedy modest hard-working reliable honest

1. ____ people don’t think too highly of themselves (о себе).

2. It is ____ to drive in this rain. Let’s stop and wait till it finishes.

3. An ____ person tells the truth and never steals (воровать).

4. The ____ pupil finished the project work a week before his classmates.

5. A ____ person is not interested in the wishes and feelings of other people.

6. Peter is a ____ boy who finishes every job on time. We can trust (доверять) him.

7. I asked Denis to help us clean the garage but the ____ boy said he did not want to.

8. You are ____ . You will not be able to eat all this food.​


Ответ дал: evazachem

1 modest стеснительные

2 stupid глупо

3 honest честный

4 hard-working трудолюбивый

5 selfish эгоистичные

6 reliable ответственный

7 lazy ленивый

8 greedy жадный

Вас заинтересует