Read these sentences and help the tiger write negative ones using full verbs forms. Don’t use full stops at the end of the sentences, they are given. Study the examples.

(Прочитай предложения и помоги тигрёнку написать отрицательные, используя полные глагольные формы. Не используй точки в конце предложения, они уже даны. Изучи примеры.)


Example 0. They went to the shop yesterday.

Answer 0. They did not go to the shop yesterday.

Example 1. He was in a park.

Answer 1. He was not in a park.

1. Our cat ran fast yesterday. —


2. We read a magazine yesterday. —


3. Kate cooked fish last Sunday. —



Ответ дал: llimolimo


1. Our cat ran fast yesterday. — Our cat didn't run fast yesterday

2.  We read a magazine yesterday. — We didn't read a magazine yesterday

3. Kate cooked fish last Sunday. — Kate didn't cook fish last Sunday


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